In news that I’m sure was celebrated all over Shaolin this week, the judge in the Martin Skreli criminal case ordered him to pay over $7 million in penalties, one of which included returning the only copy of “Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” back to RZA and the rest of the Wu Tang Clan. While I’m glad the album is back with Hott Nikkels and the rest of his posse, I do wish that Bill Murray would have stolen it as was foretold.
Wu Tang is for the children, after all. Wu Tang forever.
- Looks like there’s gonna be another USL D3 announcement this week?
- Louisville City kinda sorta subtly hinted that there could be an actual home kit reveal “soon”?
- I’m Ron Burgundy?
- CONCACAF made an announcement about its Nations League, which will kick off this September.
- Ohio’s Attorney General is suing to keep the Crew in Columbus. Legal scholars such as myself are skeptical about its potential for success on constitutional grounds, but intrigued by the ramifications if the law the AG is using as authority is upheld.