I wonder a lot about how certain things were invented or conceived. Not technology – everyone knows nerds come up with that stuff. And not stuff with a “duh” answer like shoes. I’m talking about simple stuff that maybe had no previous application. For example: coffee. At the end of the day, coffee is hot water that runs through some ground up roasted beans and another filter of some kind that makes the morning bearable. I couldn’t tell you the last day I had where I didn’t drink a cup of coffee when I woke up.

Coffee has been around for centuries. But I honestly wonder who one day figured out “hey, if I take these seeds from this tree here, set them on fire for a little while, grind them up real good, put them in a bowl, then dump some really hot water in there, HOT DAMN that will make it so I can get my kids dressed and on their way to school without having a mental breakdown!” Whoever that was, hats off to that guy or gal.