IT’S PLAYOFFS SEASON! You know that because it went from pretty dang hot to cold and kinda miserable over the span of like two days. You might associate playoffs season with the notable absence of St. Louis FC in your USL consciousness, but you’d be wrong this season (see below)! Anyway, it’s time to find those non-summer Louisville City scarves you’ve buried in the depths of your closet because Los Morados have a home playoff game coming up this Saturday. The LIPAFC lives on, as it has since the dawn of history. Get your tickets, pack a flask of your best warming agent, and get ready for another steel-chair match against those Lumbering eLevens from up the interstate.
Harrisburg City IslandersPenn FC is taking 2019 off and will return to USL’s League One in 2020. Supposedly. I, for one, sincerely hope that they can come back stronger and better than ever. In League One.- Here’s your finalized 2018 USL Cup Playoffs bracket! Be sure to get your entire office/floor/building involved in a USL Playoffs bracket pool, a thing that has definitely happened before.
- Speaking of brackets, St. Louis FC is in one for the first time in club history! Good for them.
- It’s almost peak South Carolina for a guy to get charged with a hit-and-run in a golf cart. Lawyer up, Charleston Battery owner Eric Bernard Bowman.
- It looks like the Columbus Crew are going to survive the Precourt regime, after all. Congrats to all who #SavedTheCrew.
- The best musical chairs grand final you’re ever going to see, ever.