A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY. Well, not today, but 77 years ago today. The attack on Pearl Harbor was nuts. The Japanese one, I mean. All of the attacks on “Pearl Harbor” the movie are justified and should have been seen coming from miles away.

Seriously, though. A huge convoy of Japanese aircraft carriers travels thousands of miles undetected to obliterate the American Pacific fleet. How they managed to travel so far and for so long without anyone in US military intelligence knowing about it (which is debatable) is hard to imagine in the 20th century. They couldn’t have known then that their incredible gamble would effectively seal the doom of millions of their own people about four years later. They also couldn’t have known that post-war Japan would bounce back to become as prosperous as it is WITHOUT a real military. Too bad, that. Anyway, Happy Pearl Harbor Day.

Have a great weekend!