Truth time! I’ve been in Mexico for a week, and therefore have no idea what’s happened in the last two games. I’m writing this thing eight days before it’s being published. I don’t know how close or far Rochester is in the standings right now. I don’t know if there are injuries or suspensions I should be worried about. I have a feeling this game might have a significant impact on whether City gets to be the number one overall seed in the Playoffs, but that’s based on nothing more than homerism and this weird feeling I have in my toes. Oh, wait, that’s a hole in my sock.

Moving on, you can watch this riveting, not at all midfield-slog-repeat of a match on WMYO-58 and listen to it on 1080 WKJK. USL hadn’t put up a YouTube stream at the time I wrote this last Thursday, so you’ll have to actually use Google for that one. Here, though, is what I predict will happen again on Saturday night in northwestern New York State: