Herman Quinn – President
Carl West – Vice President
Matt Owens – Secretary
Mathew Ballard
Jessica McGraw
Braeden Downey
Treasury Report:

The Pride smoke arrived.
Now that the new bank account is up and running, Nick would like to point our Square reader to that so that any new membership funds coming in will go into that account. I’m not sure if we need the account/routing numbers or the debit card number for that, but Nick has both just in case.
Nick will also start the process of moving funds from the existing bank account to the new bank account. He’s hoping he can use PayPal to move the money around but PayPal has been very buggy lately and hasn’t been letting him do that. If necessary, he will write a check and deposit it into the new account.
Membership Report:
We are at 209 members.
We purchased enough for 300. It seems like we have enough.
Still waiting on David for the pins. We are way behind.
David and Jessica retained their seats, running unopposed. No one volunteered to fill the seat Benton is vacating, so we will need to recruit someone.
Martín Valencia is willing if no one else runs.
Matt moves to offer Martín the position. Braeden Seconds. All 5 in
We need to schedule the event at Whirling Tiger so Herman can get with Watts
and Kerr. The day before was suggested.
We need to set up merch and a march to the match for the next game.
Braeden’s Item That Concerns Both Teams
Lavender Legion want to push to make a walk-through museum with memorabilia.
A centennial club for anyone who plays 100 games with us would be good.
The next supporter leadership meeting is 6/21. It will presumably be around 6PM.
Traffic out of gold lot.
Footballology tracks games you have been to and partners with teams.
The team might want to do this.
Where are we with steam whistles? Braeden will work with Patrick to follow up.
Whole-stadium chants. Discussions need to restart.
We are unable to get in touch with Warriors’ Battalion for May donations.
We need to discuss and come up with a charity for July.
Power Soccer and the new foundation.
Advertise board meetings sooner.
El Nopal watch party on the 25th.