January 2025 Minutes:

Roll call:

* Jess
* Chris
* Matt
* Braeden
* Derek

Not Present:
* Jeremy

2025 Merchandise

Coins are paid off and have arrived.
Scarves will take about 1 month to order.
The total cost for scarves + shipping is $1210.
Motion: Matt will pay the $1210. He will receive 8 additional memberships and be repaid $1010. This will come from cash sales and/or treasury as more memberships are sold.
Motion: Matt. Second: Braeden. All present voted Aye


Stockyards Bank account has $648.
First Financial has around $400

Angel’s Share

KRM was a success. We delivered 13 boxes.
We will continue to collect tabs and bottle caps for Ronald McDonald House this year.
February-March initiative is St. Baldrick’s, which is headed by Dwayne V. If it gets big,
St. Baldricks is interested in having someone there.
If we want to donate to Crusade for Children, May would be the month to collect. Then
we could donate in the beginning of June.
Alzheimer’s walk is in October.


9 Memberships. 4 comped. 5 sold.
Matt will set up a table in the Gold lot. We need to work out a rotation at the table in the
stadium as the season approaches.
Derek will staff the table at the home opener.
We currently use Square. Zettle is an option that works with PayPal.
If there is a preseason event, we can ask the club if we can do memberships there.
We can use the scarf and coin images to start pushing membership and discord on social media and in email blasts.

March to the Match

We need to revisit stopping points. Fan Zone and Outside our section are solid options,
and we can discuss others.
We will consult with the club about pre-scanning or everyone entering the side gate.

Lexington SC

Preseason 2/22 game. Unknown if it’s open to supporters. We can reach out to the club
to see if we can have it open to the public or at least semi-open to the supporters.
The bell is procured. Braeden will curate it. He and Jess will make sure it gets painted.

SG / FO Preseason Meeting

Scouse wants to get everyone together before the season to get everyone on the same
Discussion topics:

  • Smoke
  • March
  • Tickets
  • St. Baldrick’s
  • Bell, Horn, and any other similar items


Matt Dalton has offered to write for the newsletter.
We have discussed a member spotlight.

Barrel Proof

We have the recording equipment covered.
We need people who can show up, and we need someone to edit and handle hosting


We are beginning to re-sign sponsors from last year. Specifics to follow in future

Board meeting and event candidate locations for 2025:

  • El Nopal
  • Goodwood
  • Craft House
  • Atrium
  • Spring Street
  • Wicks
  • Against The Grain
  • Colonial Gardens
  • Flannagans
  • Sergio’s


Derby week game vs. Lexington would be a good date


Generally starts early in the afternoon – 2 or 3 for a 7:30 kickoff.
We need to find a way to get people consistently.

Action Items:

  • Matt to order scarves upon verifying the quality of the sample.
  • Matt will check on flags and fix ‘em before the end of January.
  • Braeden to get paint from Jess and work with Railbirds to get the bell painted by March
  • Jess to reach out to Brandon this week about the Lexington preseason game and the
    SG/Club meeting
  • Chris to figure out March to the Match info banner for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in the
    next week.