- Herman Quinn – President
- Matt Owens – Secretary
- David Buschermohle
- Alex Fritton
Welcome new members, Alex Fritton and Braeden Downey
We do not have a quorum.
This is an informal meeting, and votes will need to be held in Slack if needed.
Met with Don, Brent, and Princeton from Atrium.
They are working toward getting some product in the stadium.
We discussed placement.
Karaoke night is a possibility.
We are talking about having a membership pickup to coincide with their release dates, which happen on Wednesdays and Fridays. They also have one anchor release a month on Saturday.
February 23 is the SheBelieves watch party and membership event.
Atrium is very interested in being our front of kit sponsor.
Herman spent $38 for the Coopers’ share of <REDACTED>
Membership Report
We currently have 38 members.
Braden got Matt 3 designs. 2 of each would run about $120.
Treasury Report
Year end financials:

Plan for 2021:
(wait and discuss this when everyone is present)
Goals for the year
New snare drummers.
Find new partnerships.
Get our membership totals back to pre-COVID-19 levels.
Karaoke night(s)
Membership Pickups
Schools as guest drummers.
Mid-season meet-up
Player Q&A, autographs, etc.
Alex brought up making flyers to put in various businesses that are amenable. This could potentially lead to partnerships down the road.
Orange Barrel
I will pick one up tomorrow from a signage supply company (Peyton) in Southern Indiana.
Kyle Grieg’s Banner:
We still haven’t heard anything.
Sub-group discussion
No sub group as such.
We will offer a $5 membership discount for 10 or more memberships.
Action items:
Matt will get the list of memberships to David.
Vote on buying flags. Matt will buy and build if the vote passes.
David to work on signage.
Vote on group discounts on membership in Slack.
Herman will work with Ken to get the Facebook account back.
Alex can work on a flyer.
Push the 23rd.