Jay Kirkman, President
Herman Quinn, Vice President
Nick Knutson, Treasurer
Matt Owens, Secretary
Mathew Ballard
Brianna Roby
Resolved Since Last Meeting
Hispanic Heritage kits are paid and in production.
Evan wanted a count of Coopers
Matt gave it to him.
We got Nick Knutson up to speed and logged into the accounts he needed.
Mathew wanted to cover the blood drive in his capacity as media.
Club did not allow anyone other than donors due to COVID-19.
Our PO Box is PO Box 6535, 40206.
We tabled flag design talks until the new color scheme is revealed.
Old Business
Treasury report
Quarterly tax payment still needs to be paid.
Nick built a ledger that can track ins and outs.
He was able to reconcile it with the bank. $8268.70 balance.
Paid $935.50 to Icarus
Paid Herman for election runner
$36 to Google.
Action items: Pay Q3 tax, figure out what to pay state for kit sales.
2020 Memberships
The last of the respondents have had their scarves mailed out.
Scarf Design Contest
Matt’s design won the vote, which simplifies things.
Winter weight recommended.
Offer in lieu of gift card.
Get them made.
Merch sales application
Herman and Brianna were looking into a new platform.
Coin update
2-3 week turnaround
$3.46 per coin

New Business
Elections are this month.
Action items:
- Pick the dates.
- Send one announcement this Saturday, another the following Saturday
- Accept submissions Thanksgiving week and following week.
- After submissions close, the following week will be for voting.
- Announce winner.
- Send out the email with the dates and a request for submissions.
- Use election runner to run the election.
- Announce results.
Tie in for Racing
Action item: Mathew to work with Rhombusleach to figure out the details.
Lou City Ladies want to do a toy drive with us to benefit KRM.
Action item: Herman, Brianna, and Mathew to work with them and do the logistics.
Maybe also do something for the homeless?
Collect clothes and goods at events where we hand out memberships.
Masks, PPE, Hand Warmers, Toiletries
Action item: incorporate this when we start handing out memberships.
Open Forum
Informal meeting in 2 weeks.
Business for next meeting
Action items: Pay Q3 tax, figure out what to pay state for kit sales.
Action item: Matt to coordinate with Brianna to get the process going.
Should be in production or at final approval phase.
Should be wrapped up.
Pins and/or Racing Tie-in:
Action item: Mathew to work with Rhombusleech to figure out the details.
Action item: Herman, Brianna, and Mathew to work with the Ladies and do the logistics.