Coopers Board Meeting
2020-09-09. 7:00 PM
Conducted via Google video conference


  • Jay Kirkman (President
  • Herman Quinn (VP)
  • Matt Owens (Secretary)
  • Jorge Pasmino
  • Dawn Caudill
  • Brianna Roby

Old Business:

Junior Memberships
We would like to keep it at $5.  We are waiting on the front office to clear $5 off the team store.
We want to do a low-price membership and emphasize kid-friendly things.

Action Items:
Check with local kid-friendly businesses such as soccer camps to see about discounts.
Jay will see if the team will let them be ball kids or walk out with the players.

Pre-packaged scarf recipients have all been emailed.  Approximately 1/3 have replied and been fulfilled or will pick up at the game.  Matt will proceed with the remaining people who have not received their scarves.  Contact point for people is

Action Items:
Matt will continue as planned, asking for assistance if a large wave happens.
Once everyone has been contacted via email, Matt will begin reaching out through other channels

New Business:

Twitter messages with @PurpleSDF: Wanted to follow up on this and see if it was discussed at the board meeting. Also realized I sent you the wrong link. Whoops! Here are two options that appear to offer financial assistance to low-income players:

Jorge has been talking to him on Twitter.  He has provided some charities.


We have a Louisville Soccer calendar that currently has City and UofL M and W as well as Coopers events.  Racing and Metro will be added as they schedule games.

Action items:
Matt will publicize and maintain.

Who is looking at new membership purchases?

No one currently is.  Glenn might know how.

Action items:
Herman will talk to Glenn and find out what needs doing.

La Barra 608 / Icarus kit design

Jorge has been looking at kits made by La Barra 608 For Hispanic Heritage Month.
If we want to do something similar, we would need to sell at least 10.
It’s a preorder deal. We have the option to up-sell to support a charity related to the design.

Action items:
Jorge will work with Icarus and provide us with more information as it comes.

Open Forum:

There is no requirement for open meetings, but that is the precedent we have set in past meetings.

Motion by Matt:
Keep our meetings open.  Keep non-board members muted until open forum.
Seconded by Herman.
Unanimous in favor.

What can we do with the St. Louligans?

Split Scarf or shirt to use as a fundraiser?

Action items:
Come up with ideas to discuss at the next meeting.

Move to adjourn by Matt.
Seconded by Herman.
Unanimous in favor.