We’ve been a little quiet on the Angel’s Share front as of late, but there’s still activity happening. In partnership with the Lou City Ladies, there is a new Pride month scarf pre-order up now. This scarf order, much like many other great other projects from the LCL, will see proceeds donated to charity org – the Louisville Pride Foundation. Each side is different – one with the Philadelphia Pride Flag colors and a ‘Y’all means all’ illustration while the other side has the Transgender Flag colors and a ‘You are loved’ illustration. Lou City Ladies and Coopers logos are on both sides. The scarves will be shipped out and available before the Racing and Lou City matches in June (so before Pride nights).

Edit! – We have also added a 2022 Pride kit, which will be available for pre-order a little bit longer than the scarf order will be. As with the scarves, proceeds will go to the Louisville Pride Foundation